Technical Exchanges
Jedes Jahr treffen sich SMG Mitglieder, um sich auf den neusten Stand zu bringen, sich gegenseitig über laufende und kommende Projekte auszutauschen und mögliche Kollaborationen zu vereinfachen und zu initiieren.
Jedes Jahr treffen sich SMG Mitglieder, um sich auf den neusten Stand zu bringen, sich gegenseitig über laufende und kommende Projekte auszutauschen und mögliche Kollaborationen zu vereinfachen und zu initiieren.
The theme of this year’s Technical Exchange was “The Swiss contribution to strengthen global health systems” – learnings from Swiss expertise on malaria and beyond. Covid-19 has shown the crucial role of strong health systems in fighting this major pandemic. Providing uninterrupted routine services is crucial during such times, and hence the quality and resilience of health services is even more important during a crisis. Shared knowledge among different sectors and many partners, as well as practical experience are essential to better prepare for future health crises. The goal of this meeting was to pool our Swiss experience in the national and international health sector to identify interventions that contribute to reaching Universal Health Coverage (UHC). Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this year was the first time that the meeting was held virtually. Weiterlesen
The new malaria landscape was the topic of this year’s technical exchange on November 28. Hosted by RBM Partnership to End Malaria at the Geneva Global Health Campus. Representatives of Geneva-based global organisations and SMG members have been invited to contribute to the exchange and to present the role of their organisations in the new global malaria landscape. Abdourahmane Diallo, CEO of the RBM Partnership to End Malaria as well as Alexandra Cameron (Unitaid), and Scott Filler (Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria) presented their contribution to the global malaria control effort. These insightful keynotes where followed by an exchange on innovations and new initiatives of Swiss Malaria Group members. Weiterlesen
"Zugang zur Malariabehandlung und Vektorkontrolle" war das Thema des 2018 SMG Technical Exchanges beim Schweizerischen Roten Kreuz in Bern. Über 15 Schweizer Akteure versammelten sich, um neue Projekte und Ideen rund um das Thema "Access" zu diskutieren. Der Technical Exchange bietet eine Gelegenheit für die verschiedenen Akteure, welche aktiv sind in der Malariabekämpfung, ihre neuesten Forschungsergebnisse und Projekte zu präsentieren, sich auszutauschen und Kollaborationen zu fördern. Finde heraus, was sie zu sagen haben: Weiterlesen
Thursday, 26th of October 2017 marked another successful Technical Exchange with attendance from more than 15 contributing actors in Switzerland’s united engagement against malaria. This skill-sharing opportunity provided an open platform for key players to present their latest research and updates, ask questions about pressing issues and connect with other select contributors. Weiterlesen
Der Swiss Malaria Group Technical Exchange vom 22. April 2015 fand unter dem Titel "The Future of Swiss Engagement against Malaria" statt. Präsentationen stehen zum Download zur Verfügung. Weiterlesen