

SolidarMed's vision is to provide all people in southern and eastern Africa with access to good health care. The Swiss NGO for Health in Africa consists of local country teams in the eight countries of operation.

A Member Success Story:

Fewer children die from malaria thanks to colour triage cards

Child mortality in Mozambique is high, partly due to the large number of malaria-related deaths. However, a new approach introduced by SolidarMed at the reception of paediatric emergency units is helping save lives. The introduction of the Manchester Triage System has improved the diagnosis and timely treatment of sick children, reducing fatalities from malaria. One such success story is that of Crisaldo, a young boy who survived malaria thanks to the red triage card he received.

For five consecutive years, global malaria cases have increased, which is concerning because malaria remains a potentially fatal disease. In 2023, the World Health Organisation (WHO) reported nearly 600,000 deaths worldwide from malaria, with most of the casualties in Africa – accounting for 95 per cent of all malaria deaths. Three-quarters of these were children up to the age of five. These statistics are especially disturbing because malaria is both preventable and treatable.

Malaria leads to death primarily when treatment is delayed. Therefore, timely diagnosis and efficient treatment strategies are critical. Historically, children in Mozambique's paediatric emergency departments were treated based on the order of their arrival, which sometimes resulted in delayed care. To ensure that children promptly receive the attention they need, SolidarMed, with regional partners, introduced the Manchester Triage System at various paediatric emergency departments as part of the "Survive and thrive" project.

A reception in Metoro HC. Photo credits: SolidarMed

A reception in Metoro HC. Photo credits: SolidarMed

The system works by having trained reception staff assess the severity of a patient’s symptoms upon arrival at a healthcare facility using a set of charts. Patients then receive a coloured card that reflects the urgency of their condition: red - immediate treatment; orange - treatment should begin within 10 minutes or less; yellow - treatment should begin within 1 hour or less; green - treatment should begin within up to 2 hours; blue - treatment should begin within up to 4 hours. In smaller healthcare facilities, only three or four colours are used. Studies have shown that implementing such a system has reduced child mortality in paediatric emergency departments by up to 40 per cent.

The Manchester Triage System helps to prioritise patients by handing them a coloured card that reflects the urgency of their condition. Photo credits: SolidarMed

The Manchester Triage System helps to prioritise patients by handing them a coloured card that reflects the urgency of their condition. Photo credits: SolidarMed

In Mozambique, where the population is around 33 million, the under-five mortality rate is 66 per 1,000 live births—compared to just 4 per 1,000 in Switzerland. Malaria contributes significantly to this high rate, being responsible for at least 40% of child deaths. The country records more than 10 million malaria cases annually, with nearly half the population lacking access to mosquito nets.

Crisaldo has not been spared from malaria either. The two-year-old boy had already had a fever for several days when his mother decided to take him to the nearest health centre in Metoro. The reception staff, trained in the triage system, quickly identified three critical symptoms: high fever, loss of appetite, and paleness. They gave Crisaldo a red card, and he was immediately seen by a nurse.

His test results confirmed a severe case of malaria with anaemia, and the healthcare team began treatment right away. After four days in the children's ward, Crisaldo was no longer febrile, his appetite returned, and his mother felt confident that he would recover.

His mother was also educated about malaria prevention, such as the use of mosquito nets, and now understands that she should take him to the hospital immediately if he has another fever.

Crisaldo and his mother during the admission in Metoro HC (November 2021). Photo credits: SolidarMed

Crisaldo and his mother during the admission in Metoro HC (November 2021). Photo credits: SolidarMed

At home, Crisaldo continued treatment with malaria medication, iron supplements, and paracetamol. Thanks to the triage system, his malaria was detected and treated in time, preventing him from becoming another malaria victim.

„Nearly one-third of the children seeking help at the project’s emergency departments are diagnosed with malaria. This underscores the relevance of quick and accurate treatment.”

Almost one-third of the children seeking help at the emergency departments of the "Survive and Thrive" project are diagnosed with malaria, highlighting the importance of prompt and accurate treatment. The system has proven effective not just in Crisaldo's case but in many others. SolidarMed's goal in the first phase of the project was to ensure that 90% of children who received a red card were treated within 15 minutes. In all facilities where the system was introduced, more children were treated within that timeframe last year. Since the introduction of the coloured card system, malaria-related deaths have been reduced by up to 99% in the project’s health facilities.

To further support this positive development, medical staff continue to receive training in the correct diagnosis and treatment of malaria. SolidarMed also aims to expand these effective tools nationwide to improve the health of young children in Mozambique.

Text and images by SolidarMed.


SolidarMed's vision is to provide all people in southern and eastern Africa with access to good health care. The Swiss NGO for Health in Africa consists of local country teams in the eight countries of operation. Over 150 people, including doctors, midwives, nursing specialists, computer experts, drivers and many more, work to improve health care for local communities.

Learn more about SolidarMed:

Survive and Thrive

SolidarMed is helping healthcare facilities roll out a system of coloured cards which designate the urgency of treatment. This ensures that children in life-threatening situations are treated more quickly than less urgent cases, which in turn increases their chances of survival. To ensure the successful roll out in as many locations as possible, SolidarMed is working with medical training centres and national and provincial health authorities.

Learn more about the project:

SMG Member Success Stories

The Member Success Stories aim to illustrate key advancements in research, prevention, and treatment by members of the Swiss Malaria Group. Each story showcases how our member’s involvement advanced the fight against malaria.






Diagnosis & Treatment