25.04.2015 / Basel
World Malaria Day
Swiss Malaria Group event in Basel: Swiss engagement against malaria
Malaria is preventable and curable- why does it cause 600'000 deaths every year?
On April 25th people across the globe take part in a wide range of activities to mark the World Malaria Day. For half of the world, every day is malaria day- a day to keep up the fight against this disease.
The Swiss Malaria Group organises a special event on the World Malaria Day 2015. In the context of the interesting exhibition about parasites at the Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, the Swiss Malaria Group will present its association to the public. Swiss parliamentarians who took part at a SMG study tour to Tanzania will tell about their impressions of the journey and their gained insights into the Swiss collaboration in the fight against malaria. A panel discussion about the Swiss engagement against malaria with representatives of the SMG members, the parliamentarians and from SDC will follow.
- Information and sensitization of the public about the malaria burden.
- Introduction into the engagement and advocacy work of the Swiss Malaria Association in the fight against malaria.
- Exchange between the public and the Swiss Malaria Group member organisations.
- Information about the parliamentary study tour
We are looking forward to meeting you!
Date: 25 April 2015, 14.00-16.15
Venue: Naturhistorisches Museum, Aula, Augustinergasse 2, 4001 Basel, http://www.nmb.bs.ch/parasiten
Entry: Adult CHF 14.-, (red. CHF 5.-)