World Malaria Report 2024 and Switzerland's role in the global malaria response

The World malaria report 2024 provides a critical and up-to-date snapshot of the global progress and gaps in the fight against malaria in 83 countries.

Since the year 2000, massive progress has been made in malaria control thanks to the scale-up of a set of effective tools like insecticide-treated bed nets, rapid diagnostic tests and Arteminisn-based combination therapy (ITN, RDT and ACT). This was only possible by a significant increase in investment by the international community.

However, since 2015, progress has stagnated in many countries. It’s difficult to pinpoint a single reason. Some tools currently used are losing effectiveness due to resistances of malaria parasites and mosquitoes. A reason highlighted by the World malaria report 2024 is the importance to reach all those in need with a focus on the most vulnerable like children under five, women and girls, Indigenous Peoples, migrants, people with disabilities, and people in remote areas with limited healthcare access. To achieve this, anti-malaria-programs must be scaled up and sustainably financed. Furthermore, some tools used in the fight against malaria are losing effectiveness (DR, IR).

At the same time, new nets and malaria vaccine offer hope for partially change in the stagnation, at least partially – as it will take time, effort and the necessary funding to scale-up. Any intervention against malaria, but especially the roll out of the vaccine, is based on robust and sustainably financed healthcare systems, supported by qualified and well-paid healthcare staff.

„Successful malaria control requires investment in research and development of effective drugs, vaccines and mosquito control measures. At the same time, long-term funding is needed for local healthcare systems to implement measures where people are currently poorly cared for”
Prof. Dr. Manuel Hetzel,
President of Swiss Malaria Group

We also have to keep in mind that changes in climate, movement of people, political instabilities, etc. increase the risk for malaria resurgences. This is a risk not only for currently endemic countries, but for all of us. Frequent travelling and rising temperatures can increase the risk of the disease spreading. Investing in malaria control programmes therefore not only benefits people in the global south but protects everybody from the spread of this deadly disease.

The role of Switzerland in the fight against malaria

Swiss investment and innovation have contributed significantly to the progress of saving an estimated 2.2 billion cases of malaria and 12.7 million deaths since 2000, mostly amongst children below five years old.

„Swiss investment and innovation have contributed to saving millions of lives in malaria-endemic countries in the last two decades and Swiss actors continue to make a significant contribution to the development of effective medicines and the distribution of bed nets. With expertise, funding and partnership with global actors, Switzerland can further reduce malaria deaths, especially among children.”
Prof. Dr. Manuel Hetzel, President of Swiss Malaria Group

Key challenges to progress include insufficient sustainable financing of innovation. On the one hand, this concerns the research and development of new, effective instruments and, on the other, their implementation. Malaria programmes are dependent on functioning healthcare systems that require stable funding. Conflicts, migration and climate change make it more difficult for people to access control measures. The latter can lead to malaria cases appearing more frequently in Europe. The renewed rise in malaria cases in recent years is a serious warning signal.

Switzerland is well positioned to support malaria endemic countries – a role the country must keep on fulfilling. Swiss strengths are innovation, generation of evidence, and implementation of evidence-based strategies. Multilateral organisations based in Switzerland, such as the World Health Organisation or the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, are also important players in the coordinated fight against malaria. Together it is our responsibility to continue to be an important player in the field of global health.

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