World Malaria Day 2022

Covid-19 has been the focus of the world’s attention for the past two years. However, other diseases such as malaria have not disappeared during this time. In 2020 alone, malaria claimed 627 000 lives. Predominantly children under the age of 5 years are the victims of this disease – a disease that can be treated and prevented. On this year's World Malaria Day 2022, we are bringing malaria back into the headlines together with our ambassadors Christa Rigozzi and Marcel Bieri.

Switzerland is a global leader in research and innovation to fight malaria. It is home to excellent research institutes, important pharmaceutical industry, many governmental and non-governmental organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) or the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. With its combination of knowledge and key players, Switzerland plays a crucial role for a malaria-free world.

Thanks to the commitment of Switzerland and the international community, more than 10 million lives were saved from malaria in the past 20 years. Yet there is still much to be done. Still every minute a child dies of malaria. The Swiss Malaria Group and its members continue the commitment to keep the fight against malaria high on the political and media agenda.

In 2022, the seventh replenishment of the Global Fund's financial resources will take place. By mobilizing financial resources from government and private donors, the Global Fund together with its partners, can successfully continue its work to fight the devastating infectious diseases of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, as well as to build stronger health systems. For the period 2024-26, the Global Fund needs approximately 18 billion US dollars. Switzerland can also make a substantial contribution here. This is what we at the Swiss Malaria Group are working towards.

Media release on World Malaria Day 2022:
In German
In French

More information about our ambassadors:
Christa Rigozzi
Marcel Bieri

Mehr information about malaria:
WHO World Malaria Report 2021
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
RBM Partnership to End Malaria