Technical Exchange 2018
"Access to malaria treatment and vector control" was the topic of the SMG 2018 Technical Exchange at the Swiss Red Cross in Bern. Over 15 Swiss actors gathered to make this skill-sharing meeting a success. Great opportunity for the different players of the fight against malaria to present their latest research and projects. Find out what they have to say:
Here are our members' presentations for the Technical Exchange, available for download.
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Sabine Unternährer (Marie-Luce Fiaux)
Introduction "Access" - Welcome & Introduction - SDC
Swiss Malaria Group, Lea Hinnen
"Mapping of key projects of SMG members in access" - Lea Hinnen - SMG
CHUV - Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois, Joanna Gallay
"Antimalarial use assessed by drug concentration measurement in community surveys: is access the problem?" - Joanna Gallay - CHUV
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Christian Lengeler
"Improving the management of severe malaria cases at community level in three high burden countries (CARAMAL Project)" - Christian Lengeler - Swiss TPH
Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV), Pierre Hugo
”MMV's collaboration with Swiss TPH for piloting the introduction of injectable artesunate in DRC, a key treatment for severe malaria" - Pierre Hugo - MMV
Biovision, Simon Gottwald
"Cattle-targeted interventions and advocacy for control of malaria and other vector-borne diseases" - Simon Gottwald - Biovision
Novartis Social Business, Dirk Ziegler
"Partnerships, commercial and technology" - Presentation unavailable -