Technical Exchange 2015
The Swiss Malaria Group Technical Exchange "The Future of Swiss Engagement against Malaria" took place on April 22 2015. All presentations can be downloaded.

All presentations can be downloaded here:
- Key Developments and Financing (Christian Lengeler, Edith Patouillard) (678.86 KB)
- Malaria R&D (David Reddy; MMV) (1.34 MB)
- Malaria vaccines (Blaise Genton; Chuv) (2.88 MB)
- Integrated community action (Susanna Hausmann, SDC) (1.18 MB)
- Community approaches (Ineke Petter; SolidarMed) (1.29 MB)
- Integrated Vector Management (Stefanie Keller; Biovision) (949.69 KB)
- Insecticide resistance and Update (Emmanuel Temu; WHO) (799.00 KB)
Programme of the technical exchange: