
Une base de données visuelle sur le travail sur le paludisme mettant en vedette les gagnants et les finalistes du concours photo et vidéo #EndMalaria.

Winners of the #EndMalaria Photo and Video Contest 2017

We proudly present the winners of our photo and video contest 2017.

The photographers have granted a sub-licensable license to the Swiss Malaria Group and its partners, allowing media to use the contest photos for the purpose of raising awareness of malaria without prior permission and compensation in any form, as long as the photos are credited as follows: (Full Name of the photographer) for Swiss Malaria Group. 

 Please find the Terms and Conditions of usage here (Sections 3 and 4).

The winning video by Steve Holloway (Streamline Productions) can be found here.

Catégorie #caretogether

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